Home OP-ED Black Kids Have Heard Enough of Whining – They Need a Whiff...

Black Kids Have Heard Enough of Whining – They Need a Whiff of Inspiration


[img]583|left|||no_popup[/img]The sentiments expressed here and in my essay for tomorrow (“Why I Love Being Black”) have a lot to do with my recent aggressive criticism of Tavis Smiley and Cornel West.

They and their critics insist that anyone who objects to their behavior is merely upset because they are criticizing President Barack Obama.

But when my son and daughter were teenagers, they had a phrase that sums up the allegations of these people – “They are stuck on stupid.”

Smiley, West and their supporters are suffering from a serious case of projection. They’re so fixated on the politics of Obama-hating that they completely overlook the gross stupidity of their behavior. They assume anyone critical of them is merely an Obama cheerleader or defender.

That is not the case.

A growing number of us are critical of Tavis and West because we consider their behavior self-serving, counterproductive and detrimental to the black community.

Time to Go Positive

Young black people have heard enough whining. They need to be educated regarding who they are, and then inspired to develop their potential. Smiley and West, though, are so fixated on their own self-interest that they ignoring that fact.

I suspect several reasons.

First, they are seeking the fame and fortune of being seen as the primary spokesmen for the black community.

Secondly, they have an intense hatred for Obama fueled by jealousy, envy and the feeling they have been snubbed.

Finally, since Obama has overshadowed them as President, they want to ride into history on his coattails as the people who “forced” him to do right by the people.

They are about self-interest and ego.

Deluded as these two characters are, they should have enough sense to recognize that the most important aspect of a person’s character and ability to cope, is self-image.

Look at Us – Taught to be Victims

One of the big differences between black kids and others is, Jewish kids are taught that they are “God's chosen people.” White American kids are taught they are the greatest thing to ever walk the earth.

However, due to people like Tavis and West, black kids are being sent the message that they are helpless victims whose well-being is in the hands of others.

Since, we are what we think, that is what our young people are becoming. It is time to stamp out that message, and correct the image.

Tavis and West would say they are fighting for the people. I do not accept that.

To repeat, they are fighting for the lucrative job of spokesmen for the black community. Tavis has proven that with his involvement in
Wells Fargo’s “Ghetto Loans” scam and his association with a number of corporations that were members of ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, including Wal-Mart.

The black community needs to bring this self-serving nonsense to an end.

And now we should start by boycotting everything and everybody, associated with Tavis and West.

(To be continued)

Eric L. Wattree is a writer, poet and musician, born in Los Angeles. A columnist for the Los Angeles Sentinel, the Black Star News, a staff writer for Veterans Today, he is a contributing writer to Your Black World, the Huffington Post, ePluribus Media and other online sites and publications. He also is the author of “A Message From the Hood.”

Mr. Wattree may be contacted at wattree.blogspot.com or Ewattree@Gmail.com