Home OP-ED Bernie Parks Is a Hero in the Council’s Childish Ban-the-Bag Tomfoolery

Bernie Parks Is a Hero in the Council’s Childish Ban-the-Bag Tomfoolery


Normal people sustained a setback yesterday when a reported 300 singles, some of whom are employed, prevailed upon the left-wing Los Angeles City Council to ban plastic bags. Several singles said later they needed to show their fretting parents an accomplishment with their slender lives.

In honor of our Dear Leader, the Council kids asked each other, What would a lazy community organizer do in this crisis? Half the Council began snoring. The other half supported the prohibition, which stores have six to 12 months to implement.

Not only did the Council kowtow to the bozo “We Is Green” singles crowd, they ordered stores to charge 10 cents per bag (not intended to be a negative reference to anyone’s spouse).

Whoa, pal.

I know we should feel morally obliged to inject a badly needed spark into the dreary lives of underdog Los Angeles singles by banning bags (again, probably not a marital swipe).

But, Land o’Goshen, Murgatroyd, what happened to the Angry Left’s phony Lawdy, Lawdy, We Love the Middle Class mantra?

Los Angeles is running out of money faster than Sen. Crybaby’s gang of artificial victims, and, typically, the left-wing legislative authority for one of the great metropolises of the world sticks its slippery thumbs in its ears.

Quite a handsome family picture, boys.

The morally inconsistent Angry Left only cares about hurting the middle class when they think normal people are looking.

Right, Senator?

The Courage of Chief Parks

It will be lost among today’s coverage, but brave Chief Bernie Parks was a genuine hero in this puerile debate among his lightminded colleagues on the Council.

He was the only honest person on the Council, standing alone as the single (excuse the sociological deviation) dissenting vote.

Displaying spunk that every Los Angeles schoolboy, schoolgirl and single adult should memorize, Mr. Parks called out the left-wing liars, such as Paul Koretz, for their brazen dishonesty.

The Chief scolded the so-darned-emotional Left: You keep telling us to believe conflicting ideologies. Which is it?

And I quote Mr. Parks:

“What concerns me is that a few years ago we told people to stop using paper bags so we could save the trees. And the plastics came in with their bags. Now we’re telling people not to use plastic bags.

“What I wonder is, if we are trading environmental problems for health problems.”

The very liberal and girlishly emotional Mr. Koretz, a professional gasbag, was trapped. He tried but failed to joke his way out of the corner.

Stuck for a response, he said weakly, “The only food that is being contaminated is the red herring of that argument.”

On the left, ignorance wins almost every time.