Home OP-ED Behind the Netanyahu Visit

Behind the Netanyahu Visit


Obliteration of Israel is the primary driving motivation of Iran’s widely feared nuclear weapons program. Since the mullahs seized power in 1979, they have declared full destruction of Israel their No. 1 goal. For 36 years, the mullahs’ terrorist emissaries have been peppering away, slaughtering Israelis. Beating up on Israel, verbally and physically, is such an ingrained element of routine daily worldwide life, non-Jews scarcely have noticed or noted.

Unlike the “dying with ‘dignity’” crowd in this country, Israelis prefer to live. In recent years, they have devised the most creative repellents in human history to protect their citizens, the main reason they have lived to tell the stories of their periodic defensive wars.

Changing Partners

To the shock and skepticism of the Western world, a year and a half ago Secretary of State John Kerry boastfully announced we have begun negotiating with Iran, the world’s most evil, secretive regime.

Entering Tehran as the underdog, Mr. Kerry, the world’s worst poker player, told the mullahs that America would open with a concession, peeling back strangling, long-term sanctions. In return, pretty please, would the Iranians slow the pace of nuclear-weapon building and allow occasional monitoring.

Well, I don’t know, said the mullahs, seeking even deeper concessions.

Opening a long-term diplomatic channel with Iran was the idea of President Obama, the Jew-hater who especially loathes Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Mr. Kerry, who has nearly as much trouble with truth as the mullahs, has broken two drop-dead 6-month “guaranteed” negotiating deadlines with the Iranians, pleading for just a few more months to close a deal.

Congress is sympathetic to Israeli pleas not to strike a bargain with Iran.

Mr. Obama would not weep one tear if Israel, God forbid, were annihilated.

Hence, a couple days ago House Speaker John Boehner invited Mr. Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress on the folly of any American deal with Iran because it would make Israel 100 percent vulnerable.

Mr. Netanyahu accepted the invite only because 6 million Israeli lives are mortally at stake.