Home OP-ED Begin Anywhere

Begin Anywhere


[img]1195|left|Masha McSorley||no_popup[/img]A tall circular rack of motivational magnets stands as an island within a healing shop that I frequent.

Six facings, each containing eight rows of positive messages, hanging in neat little stacks, ready to sprinkle some magic on anyone’s caution, regret, stinginess or sloth.

I always look forward to finding “The One” as I sift through stacks of black and white one-liners, exploding chromatic sentences, and piles of words packed in sardine-tight paragraphs. Turning the rack is like looking for a key to a treasure chest, the booty glowing within being none other than: inspiration.

“The One” seals the deal like a clever fortune teller bestowing upon me a juicy secret of my very own. Somehow, upon hearing it aloud, it becomes a bona fide possibility, nearly tangible. Doable.

On a recent excursion, I came across “The One” with suspicious ease. It practically jumped off of the rack at me with its clean black Arial font adorning a brilliant white background. It read, with effortless honesty, “Begin Anywhere.” Considering the fact that upon approaching the rack, I was juggling in my puzzled brain a scattered swarm of unattended-to tasks, ideas, hopes, fantasies, problems, all jumbled and garbled into a fantastic mess of epic proportions, “Begin Anywhere” was like…ZANG.

They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, but it’s that first step that sits like a Buddha on the backburner. Why? Because the inspirational magnet containing the enchanted words appointed to push that first foot forward has first to be read and swallowed, that’s why. It’s not like one can just scrounge up within herself the inspiration to embark upon an awesome venture! Perhaps motivation can be mustered. But inspiration is the spark that ignites the furnace that turns the gears of a fledgling motivation. Then, voila. Action.

I’ve watched people scan the messages, eyes and hearts silently searching for that tiny tap on the shoulder from the heavens. They are you, me and everyone, looking for that connection, wanting a humble reminder that can simply be stuck upon a fridge that says: hope. It may seem silly, but it’s not. We cannot go around sucking voraciously on pacifiers or clutching at blankies. So a few words upon a magnet will have to suffice to help get us through, to the light… Go figure, a 3”x3” support system.

Mine says, clear as day, Begin Anywhere. So I do. And it is safe, because the magnet says so in simple black and white.

Masha McSorley has been in pursuit of perspective for the majority of her 36 years, employing music, writing and photography to shine a clear light on the kaleidoscope of human conditions. Having a profound curiosity for the workings of the soul, and having traveled throughout Europe, China and most of the United States, she strives towards the absolute truth that allows us all, if only for a moment, to take a deep breath and release the boundaries. Her intent is to connect us all with universal truths, which hang before us like twinkling stars in the sky. While sometimes we are too immersed in the rhythms of modern life to look up, there is hope. She invites you to relax, enjoy and take a few moments to retune yourself to the universe.

Masha welcomes comments and is available for projects small and large. She may be contacted at mashamcsorley@yahoo.com

“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass” — Anton Chekhov.