Home OP-ED Before It Melts, Here Is a Poetic Cone to Savor

Before It Melts, Here Is a Poetic Cone to Savor


Re “Just Like Magic at Woman’s Club Ice Cream Social”

I am planning to read a poem about the Culver City Woman’s Club’s April 26 Ice Cream Social at the City Council meeting on Monday evening.

I Scream, You Scream, We'll All Scream at the CCWC Ice Cream Social

Sociable Ice Cream

to the
Culver City Woman’s Club
Ice Cream Social
To enjoy yourself and have fun
Indulge in delicious ice cream
You’ll wish you could have more than one..!
Watch a magician do magic tricks
Will he pull something out of a hat?
My guess is that Fantastic Fig
May surprise us with Newton, his cat..!
So mark April 26 on your calendar
A Saturday afternoon, you know
When you can fill up with ice cream
And see an incredible show..!

For tickets and information call Carole Kanter  at (310) 453-2314.

Dr. Hoult, poetess laureate, may be contacted at HOULTight@aol.com