Home OP-ED Bass Flashes Her Favorite Form

Bass Flashes Her Favorite Form


[img]1857|right|Karen Bass||no_popup[/img]Owner of one of the narrowest minds in Congress, U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Culver City) burnished her burgeoning reputation at her town hall meeting on Saturday at the California Science Center.

What? You thought Graceless Karen actually would host a meaningful event in Culver City?


Ms. Bass smiles a lot, mainly to mask a bitingly mean-spirited fury that lurks comfortably, deceptively, just out of view.

Even though she is a lady of impressively mature years, Ms. Bass possesses a simplistic black and white perspective of life. Her fellow leftists are sinless. All who disagree with her are flirting with evil.

By her performance, which she seldom mutes, her degree of awareness is distressingly low, her insight absent without a scintilla of evidence it ever existed.

Why would anyone trust her?

Trained well, she despises Republicans the way your mommy and daddy taught you to shun evil.

You would hate to be married to her – which may be why no one is. Graceless Karen is known for her hardheaded one-way driving when dealing with colleagues. Compromise, she believes, is for sissies. Agree with me or you are a fool to be publicly scorned, has been her mantra in Sacramento and Washington.

Appallingly sarcastic, she lacks a sense of humor and any talent for conversing with a voter, heaven forfend, who disagrees with her.

Unpleasantness may be her most marketable asset.

Don’t Try to Corner Me, She Says

Democrats, who avoid being limited to specifics, loved the vagueness of the headline of Ms. Bass’s town hall, the State of Immigration Reform.

Ms. Bass was at her seething best in discussing last week’s controversial remarks by her House colleague, Steve King, an Iowa Republican.

Mr. King said illegal alien children are used by drug criminals nightly to smuggle their fatal booty over the border.  For every valedictorian among illegal immigrant students, he said, 100 others are used as traveling pawns by the monster Mexican drug thugs who need to traffic their killer powder.

“Every night,” Mr. King said, “some come across the border, smuggling drugs across the border — increasingly the higher-value drugs: heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine in some form or another are being strapped to the bodies sometimes of young girls, teenage girls.

“The media’s replete with this. Anybody that reads the papers should know, especially those that live on the border, should know that there are many, many young people coming across the border unlawfully who are smuggling drugs into the United States.”

Within minutes of Mr. King’s politically incorrect remarks, leaders of both parties sternly criticized him and them.

That was not satisfactory for a hot-headed partisan. Graceless Karen demanded the last word, you know, the loudmouth who gets itchy when peace looms.

Republicans who criticized Mr. King were faking it, she charged, flashing her dreaded hateful side, hoping to get her name in the newspaper as an opinion-maker with gravitas. Speaking from her lifelong victim perch, she said those nasty Republicans actually agree with Mr. King. Their critiques were phony. GOP leaders merely employ sneakier language. Duck, boys, Karen the Thinker is revving her engine.

“There is the crude and there is the sophisticated,” Ms. Bass said of those mean ol’ Republicans. “At the end of the day, I think both opinions are pretty much the same in terms of the disrespectful viewpoint of immigrants.”

How does she know? Picky, picky.

Remember, the evil other side never can be correct.