Home OP-ED Autumn Leaves ‘em Gaping – New Way to Win Races? Maybe

Autumn Leaves ‘em Gaping – New Way to Win Races? Maybe


[img]2528|left|||no_popup[/img]Ten weeks out from the June 3 state Assembly primary election, Autumn Burke is a magnet for more attention than Mayor Garcetti, the Dodgers, UCLA’s basketball team and the DWP, cumulatively.

She well may be on the way to outpacing her glamourous mother, Yvonne Brathwaite Burke. Some mornings in the 70s, ‘80s, ‘90s and ‘00s, Ms. Burke the Elder merely inhaled and lured more publicity than whomever was mayor at the time or the loudest mouth on the Los Angeles City Council.

Ms. Burke the Elder has spawned an uncommonly attractive daughter with apparently the identical gift for magnetism.ost bumbling

Ms. Burke the Younger has chosen a curious footpath into the political universe. The Strategy Group whom she has hired from an outlying suburb may be the bumbling cohort of anti-publicists in Southern California. Repeated calls to their office, which may be a toy telephone booth in the desert, have been netting the same answer since January – “we will get back to you.”

Perhaps the Telephone Answerer meant for Ms. Burke’s third or fourth re-election.

[img]2398|right|Autumn Burke||no_popup[/img]Ms. Burke has another publicist on her payroll, a dandy, who is busier than Michelle Obama’s booking agent after quadra-plegic surgery. As recently as this morning, this gem was contacted for the fourth time to arrange an interview. The first three times, she answered but said she would have to check. She may not sleep. Too busy checking. This morning when a call was placed, she pleaded bad connection. Said she was outside at a press conference – presumably not Ms Burke’s – and said she couldn’t hear what was being said.

Neither could I.

The more Ms. Burke the Younger doesn’t do, the more she doesn’t say, the more people write about her – to wit.

Without a drop of even amateur, school-level political seasoning, the 40-year-old Ms. Burke the Younger could finish in the top two in June in the Assembly district that represents Inglewood, and make the November runoff.

No one north of Alzheimer’s ever has called cloudy Inglewood remotely attractive. It would be a score for the bland community to be represented in Sacramento – or wherever she chooses to spend her days – by Ms. Burke, who could glide over the freeway into Hollywood and go to work immediately.

Over the weekend, word rolled in about still more endorsements falling into the lap of Ms. Burke the Younger. It is magic. The good woman may be onto a gimmick that contemporary politicians can learn from.