Home OP-ED Are You Sick of Ebola or Sick with Ebola

Are You Sick of Ebola or Sick with Ebola


For the thousandth consecutive year, Halloween came early for the media. 

The boys on the left are worried we are going to be rolled any edition now by ebola. There goes the earth, coughing, sneezing, dying. 

Boo. Are you terrified of becoming deathly ill with vowel-heavy ebola?

Until a month ago, who had heard of it? Now it is the greatest threat in the history of mankind because four people in this country may be eboleans.

Four out of 331 million. Surely the hysteria is proportionate. If, heaven forbid, there were five, President Obama would have had to reverse the reversal of the reverse of the week’s worth of reversals of orders he has issued since his last fundraiser.

Ebola – boo – is the lead story this morning in The New York Times, the Los Angeles Titanic and USA Today. Nice try, boys. For another day, the emotional left has pulled back from their daily condemnations of Republicans to warn us about…

About what, they are not sure.

We are in danger of dying from this disease they tell us. They are not exactly sure what ebolaism is, how it is transmitted or if it has been transmitted.

But it might be.
Or it has.
Who knows?

Who cares?

This is no time for clear reasoning. It is our duty to worry.

The emotional left is aroused that conservatives have sworn allegiance against ebolaism – boo – because its original victims are black. Therefore, should the left be for it or against it? So confusing.

This is the most enveloping political dilemma the left has faced since climate global change warming frightened the world’s 95 percent left-wing journalists a few years ago.

Last the leftists remembered, they were being urged to march against the terror of global cooling. Which is it? Who cares? The important part is to march. Why? We will be told later.