Home OP-ED Another Zirgulis Wipeout?

Another Zirgulis Wipeout?


As we have seen lately, it looks as if candidate Robert Zirgulis’s election strategy is to try and ride the Natatorium's wave of community support all the way onto the School Board on Election Day in November.

It seems he cannot fathom that most of the people signing the petition in support of refurbishing the Natatorium probably don't have any desire to vote him into office, any public office. Or that when the Democratic Club comes out in support of the same petition, it is not a reflection on his own candidacy. Perhaps this time around, riding a crest of support, he may have a chance to add to his light voter support of 4 percent in the 2011 election.
Cowabunga, Dude
After his previously failed campaigns, it makes me wonder what this guy really is searching for. Is it community recognition? Personal vindication? Or is he just a lover of the election limelight?
Would he consider stopping these almost small, personal campaigns and his continued abuse of our local elections if we promised to re-name the refurbished building in his honor, calling it the “Zatatorium?”
Then would he end his perennial campaigns?
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