Home OP-ED An Evening with Waxman and Other Disagreeable People

An Evening with Waxman and Other Disagreeable People


Jan. 30: Congressman Henry Waxman gave a Town Hall meeting at the Hermosa Beach Playhouse. The South Bay Democratic clubs sponsored the event.  Would I be shut down in Hermosa Beach, just as Rabbi Yossi of the Jewish Community Center refused to let me speak two months ago? Despite preliminary jitters, I decided to attend.  If those Democrats shut me down, I would have something to write about (and perhaps take them to court, too.)

Arriving twenty minutes early, I spoke right away with a Pacific Palisades resident. She and I had some views in common, except that she was a major fan of Congressman Waxman. “I’m so glad that I do not have to smell cigarette smoke on airplanes!” A Manhattan Beach-Gardena resident approached us, going on about the environment. We did agree on school choice, an issue where Republicans and Democrats should advance.
Diane Wallace, the President of the Beach Cities Democratic Club, wanted me to sign in as a member of the press. I suspected a hint of intimidation, but refused since I am unaffiliated with any media conglomerate. As a private citizen, I share what I believe, holding Congressman Waxman accountable, and if possible, getting some Democrats to care about pressing issues, to “think Republican.”

Between Meekness and Gushing

Congressman Waxman walked down the aisle, furtively glancing at me. “Hello, Congressman Waxman,” I said. He was not thrilled to see me, but meekly waved at me. Before the visiting Congressman took the podium, former Hermosa Beach Mayor Jeff Duclos introduced Waxman with “gushing” admiration (I wanted to gush something else following his fulsome praise). Duclos delineated Waxman's record of “fighting and winning for everyone.”  These Democrats practically worship Waxman. I wonder if their children or grandchildren will esteem him when they end up paying for the huge national debt and fighting for rationed healthcare.
Waxman looked uncomfortable and shaky. I imagine he was nervous because of me. Climate change dominated the evening. Democrats were leaping out of their seats. The alarm  some people shared at the playhouse reminded me how crucial this and all other environmental issues have become for the Democratic Party.

Waxman struck a more conciliatory note, telling the audience that he wanted to work with Independents and Republicans. He has to because his district no longer is a majority Democratic. He commented about the need for “adults” and “leadership” in Washington. Waxman has a history of interrupting colleagues, then claims “We’re not broke!”  in open committee, while also admitting “I don’t know” about the General Motors bailouts, steroids , and his own cap-and-trade bill. When will Waxman start acting like an adult?

What About Indiana?

When Congressman Waxman took questions, almost everyone asked about the environment. I pressed him about the business “climate,” including the taxes in ObamaCare. I asked about the poor “climate” homeless veterans are enduring, and for which he is responsible. I hammered him about raiding the pension funds of Indiana’s retired teachers and police officers to pay for the immorally financed auto bailouts.
Praising the bailouts, Waxman shrugged off the Indiana pension fund scenario. He blamed House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va)  for trying to sell the Brentwood VA for debt reduction. Predictably, he left out his 38 years in office of doing nothing.
After the questions, the meeting offered me the chance to understand how Democrats think (or recycle suspicions from specious evidence).  Most Democrats displayed a striking ignorance about economics. Two El Segundo residents really believe in “climate change” as a threat, although they acknowledged that I knew more about the issue than they did. Another person actually claimed that government creates jobs. We carried on an extended discussion about gender, identity and sexuality -– three issues which Democrats conflate constantly and inconsistently.

Who Needs Even More Choices?

Ms. Wallace asserted: “But we already have school choice!” when I brought up that issue. Later, she mocked me: “I can’t believe you asked a question about Indiana!” Two other Democratic leaders shared their reasons for being Democrats: The social issues. When they claimed that Republicans refuse to compromise, I fired back:
“If someone offered to buy your house for one dollar, you would slam the door in his face,” I said. “The Democrats are doing something similar, refusing to offer real cuts. There’s good compromise and bad compromise.”
Congressman Waxman came up the middle aisle.
“See, that wasn't so bad,” I said, shaking his hand.
“Well, you tell me,” he shrugged, at a loss for words.
“I’m here to keep you accountable,” I said. “You need to start doing your job. Why don’t you set up ‘Occupy Brentwood’ to force the federal government to finish building shelters for the homeless veterans? Or else an Independent or Republican will take your place.”
When I reminded him about the Indiana pensions, Waxman grew uncomfortable, refusing to do anything about it.
As Waxman left the theater, I realized that I had impacted him.
Imagine that: The former Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, frightened of a private blogger.

Arthur Christopher Schaper is a writer and blogger on issues both timeless and timely; political, cultural, and eternal. A lifelong resident of Southern California, he currently lives in Torrance. He may be contacted at arthurschaper@hotmail.com, aschaper1.blogspot.com and at asheisministries.blogspot.com. Also see waxmanwatch.blogspot.com