Home OP-ED An Appreciation of Jews by an Armenian Friend

An Appreciation of Jews by an Armenian Friend


In the book of Genesis, God speaks to Abraham, “Those who bless thee, I will bless. Those who curse thee, I will curse.” 

This blessing is passed to Isaac and Jacob/Israel and the 12 tribes of Israel.  

I am persuaded the blessing was not passed to Ishmael. Ishmael's descendants, the Arabs, with all their oil, are doing quite well without it.
I have always blessed Israel and the Jews.

Two of the biggest blessings of my life came from two Jews.

I would not call it Christian Zionism to bless (and all that the word “bless” entails) Israelis and Jews. I do think that to bless Israel is to be pro-Israel.
The term “Christian Zionism” has a negative connotation. A tricky designation that anti-Semites like to throw around.
The 10 tribes of Israel were taken captive by the Persians and located in a section of Persia close to Armenia.

When the 10 tribes migrated northward and westward, they traveled through Armenia. Some stayed. Some of today's Armenians are the descendants of the 10 Tribes. 

I am quite sure that I am part Israeli.
The 10 Tribes also moved through Europe. Their migration ended in England and the northern countries.

Underneath the Coronation Throne of England lies Jacob's stone. The promise by God to David that David's descendants would reign over Israel in perpetuity, is fulfilled in England's royalty. Many English are descendants of the 10 Tribes (The word English comes from two Hebrew words (Eng = covenant, Lish = people.)
Many of England's people came to America.  Many Armenians came to America. Besides the 5 million Jews that are here, there are millions more Americans who are descendants, to some degree, of the 10 Tribes of Israel.

In the macro, I bless Israel and America.

In the micro, individual to individual, I judge Israelis and Americans individually.  Some are detestable. Some are admirable. 

Mr. Fidanian, who lives in Los Angeles County, may be contacted at Fidan1@charter.net