Home OP-ED An Answer for Daniel Kane

An Answer for Daniel Kane


Re “I Honestly Live in Fear of People Like You

This brief response is addressed to young Daniel Kane, who painfully describes the daily tribulations of gay persons in a nearby essay.

Mr. Kane:

In setting out to repair the wounds you say my words have inflicted on you and others, I am reminded of the foreigner who said that when he waved an “I Hate America” banner in front of television cameras, his target was purely the government. “I love the American people,” he insisted.

A distinction without a difference? Wordplay? Being cutesy?

But that is exactly the line of distinction I have attempted to draw in criticizing the deeply dishonest, mean-spirited, pathetically entitled leaders of the gay and lesbian “movement.” They are no more than professional, hard-working, fulltime, self-ordained “victims” in desperate search of an oppressor to blame for their disappointments.

These unyieldingly angry, pompous punks — the boys and the girls — devote their narrow, bigoted, vengeful lives to mocking and vilifying people who disagree with them, scorning practical solutions.

My criticism is of the movement and its faces, not personal at all. I have no doubt that every assertion you make in your important essay is precisely true and without embellishment.

Your gripe, and you certainly have a valid one, is not with me but with the ill-spoken, narcissistic victim-chasers who are the national and global voices of gays and lesbians. They do you tragic disservices daily.

Some of my best sons — two of them — are gay.

If they read your essay, they would second every thought you expressed.

I would endanger my life to prevent anything from happening to either of them.

For years, though, we have been estranged. There was a close call last month. One son made a dinner date with me. But he did not show up or even call.

There is no sign of a thaw with either son. One son I have not seen in 9 years.

Now it is your turn to agree with them.

So be it.

I am sorry.

I wish you a long, enduring upturn in your life. You will have my encouragement and support.