Home OP-ED An American Morning

An American Morning


To say that the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States is momentous understates its historic significance.

Whether you voted for Mr. Obama or not, your chest should have swelled with American pride as you watched him take the oath of office.

Could Lincoln have dreamt this moment?

It has only been a generation since Dr. King gazed out at the reflection of America and imagined. Is this what he saw?

Barack Obama is testament to the content of our character. He is a promise kept to every American child.

A New Outlook for a New Reason

For the first time in many years, others look longingly to our shores not in admiration of lifestyle or in fear of our military might. Rather, they are in awe of our ability to once again remake ourselves, and to live up to our pledge to create a nation where dreams can actually come true.

We are an astonishing people.

In the midst of the most wrenching economic crisis since the Great Depression, we have not recoiled in fear. Quite the opposite; we have embraced a future unknown and laid trust in our best instincts that this President, no matter the color of his skin, can refresh our republic.

Not since Jackie Robinson stepped onto Ebbets Field has another man been so closely scrutinized.

The Presidency of Barack Obama will be dissected like none before him. Every time he strides to the plate, billions of eyes will be watching. From the outfield to the base paths, every error will be achingly etched.

This Is a Team Sport

Is it fair to the man or to the office he holds?


Unfortunately, this is not baseball; it’s the future of America.

Although Barack Obama now bears the burdens of leadership, we should not forget that democracy is a team endeavor where all of must win or none will truly succeed.

We should not lower our expectations for this President or give him a free pass for his blunders.

Instead, we must continue to raise the bar and demand that he exemplify everything that is best about America. Our greatest Presidents have welcomed this challenge. If you listen to his words, Obama appears to demand no less.

If we genuinely hold these truths to be self-evident, then we must share in this President’s triumphs and collectively mourn his losses.

Because in the end, he is the America we dreamed.

John Cohn is a senior partner in the Globe West Financial Group[ based in West Los Angeles. He may be contacted at www.globewestfinancial.com