Home OP-ED American Exceptionalism: A Message to Bushland

American Exceptionalism: A Message to Bushland


[img]583|left|||no_popup[/img]It’s scary how easily the American people can be manipulated – to the point they find the deaths of entire families a hoot.

How we can sit in front of the television set with chilli dogs and fries and cheer on the deaths of others like we’re watching the Super Bowl.

It is a tribute to psychosis how America can unleash mass destruction in “an attempt to prevent mass destruction,” in the name of God.

Can’t you see that many of “those towel-heads” are children just like your own? You didn’t really think the U.S. could unleash destruction like we saw and not kill children did you?

Rumsfeld said, “Well, it happens.” But it doesn’t just happen. You allowed it to happen. You made it happen. You cheered it on.

Consider that as the children bleed, you are admiring the beauty of “Shock and Awe.”

Think about your own children as collateral damage. Think about them screaming in horror while you are helplessly watching their limbs being blown off. Think about them desperately reaching out to you for comfort as life slowly drains from their tiny bodies. Think about foreign boots kicking down your front door, strangers walking through your home systematically killing every man, woman and child.

Imagine the last sight you ever see on this earth is of your loving child with her brains spilling from her tiny little head. Think about that picture, America. Then ask yourself, who is really the terrorist?

Where has America gone? Who is left to stand up for justice and humanity? You say, God Bless America? You would have to be a fool to think God is gonna bless America after what we have done, for choosing Standard Oil over Justice, and Exxon over God himself. In God we trust? How dare you blame this atrocity on God. It is in Bush you trust.

The Ravages of War

You trust Bush that God has entrusted you to blow off Iraqi arms and wrap them around you to enable them to embrace your benevolence.

You trust Bush that you must lovingly pluck out Iraqi eyes to enable them to see the wisdom of viewing the world through your own. You trust Bush that in the name of all that is good you must slaughter their children in a desperate attempt to provide them with a better future.

You also trust Bush that you must rape their land and steal their wealth in order to allow them to choose the government of their choice (as long as it is the government Bush chooses for them to choose). You trust Bush that you do all this in the name of American charity.

You also trust Bush that God will bless America. But this ain’t America. America is the land of the free, home of the brave, the land of just souls who freed their slaves.

No, this is not America. This is Bushland, the land of small pox infected blankets, the land of public lynchings and church-place bombings, the land of imprisoned Japanese-Americans, and corporate murderers.

Yeah, God Bless Bushland.

The land of the free and home of the slave, the land of My Lai, and Calley’s mass grave. And you trust that God will bless Bushland?

Well, trust this: You are blind, my friend. Those who do make it home are denied a living wage.

Eric L. Wattree is a writer, poet and musician, born in Los Angeles. A columnist for the Los Angeles Sentinel, the Black Star News, a staff writer for Veterans Today, he is a contributing writer to Your Black World, the Huffington Post, ePluribus Media and other online sites and publications. He also is the author of “A Message From the Hood.”

Mr. Wattree may be contacted at wattree.blogspot.com or Ewattree@Gmail.com