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Amazing Story: ‘I Am Backing a Man Whose Dad Sent Me to Prison’


The reason I am supporting City Councilman Eric Garcetti for Los Angeles Mayor is plain and simple.


Eric Garcetti, Najee Ali

He is the best candidate to lead the city.

I first met Eric during a 2000 L.A. District Attorney’s debate at the Los Angeles Times, when his dad, former L.A. District Attorney Gil Garcetti, was running for re-election.

Eric came up and tapped me on my shoulder. I thought to myself, “What does this kid want?” He introduced himself and asked for my endorsement for his dad.

I respectfully declined.

I had served a prison term in 1992 under his father’s administration. Which I had deserved.

But I thought his challenger was better suited to lead. Nevertheless, I was impressed with Eric’s demeanor. He was so personable.

I kept tabs on him. I decided to volunteer for Eric‘s first campaign for the L.A. City Council.

Since then I have watched him grow as a leader with national relationships and supporters that include President Barack Obama.

Eric was one of the first elected officials to support Obama’s campaign for President. He could have played it safe and supported Sen. Clinton. Or just stayed neutral. He chose to support Obama who shared his values.

I walked my neighborhood recently in South L.A. in support of Eric’s campaign for Mayor.

A curious neighbor recognized me. He was puzzled over why would I support the son of the man whose office sent me to prison?

I replied I sent myself to prison by the mistake I made.

“Eric must be special for you to support him,” my neighbor said. “You are right,” I said. “He is special. He’s my choice for Mayor. Eric’s educational background is outstanding. He studied urban planning and political science at Columbia University, where he received his B.A. and M.A. in International Relations.

He also studied as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, at the London School of Economics, and he was a Rockefeller Foundation Next Generation Leadership Fellow. He taught public policy, diplomacy and world affairs at Occidental College and USC before being elected to the City Council.

Eric has been widely recognized for his groundbreaking policy initiatives.

Caroline Kennedy and the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, on behalf of the Kennedy Library and family, presented Garcetti with the prestigious New Frontier Award, given annually to an elected official under 40 who best embodies John F. Kennedy's vision of leadership and idealism.

Eric is the type of leader our city needs. That’s why I’m supporting Garcetti for Mayor.

Najee Ali, a community activist and author of the recently published autobiography “Raising Hell,” may be contacted at www.najeeali.com