Home OP-ED All Aboard for the Abrams/Zirgulis Campaign Train

All Aboard for the Abrams/Zirgulis Campaign Train


Ain’t our democracy great!

Here we are at the beginning of Culver City’s School Board election campaign, when any Bob, Dick or Gary who goes through the registration process, can become a full-fledged candidate for our local School Board.

No Fee. It Is Free.

Just registering with the L.A. County Clerk’s office gives School Board candidates free media coverage in promoting their own personal views and agendas. It also gives them equal time for self-promotion during our many local candidate forums. Just think of it, at no cost to the citizen, he or she can get all of this attention just by registering. And it is all free. Boy, now that’s what I call a bargain!

Longshot Candidates

It looks as if Gary Abrams may well be giving it a go once again as a long-shot candidate. He keeps calling for “Revolution” and sees political conspiracies against him almost everywhere he looks. Another seemingly perennial longshot, Robert Zirgulis, has already declared his intentions to run. He also portrays himself as being politically persecuted for his views. In an attempt to jump-start his campaign and to gain traction with voters on an issue, any issue, he has promised to carry out numerous proposals on various local issues, “if I am elected.”

Let Me Entertain You

Although free registration can give want-to-be candidates a place in the sun,on the ballot, it does little in bringing legitimacy to their campaigns. I do not doubt both potential candidates will take themselves and their campaigns seriously. Maybe a bit too seriously? Because, it seems most local voters have yet to take either one of them very seriously at the polls. But what these two would bring to our locally l o n g-drawn out political process is a great sense of comic relief.

And for that, I am truly grateful to them.

Mr. Laase may be contacted at GMLaase@aol.com

Mr. Laase may be contacted at gmlaase@aol.com