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Aging Schmaging


What's all this talk about getting old?

If I don't look in the mirror, I don't feel a day over, well, 47.

If I don't look in the mirror, I can feel strong in the morning, and then I can take an afternoon nap and feel like going strong for the rest of the day.

My point is, without looking in the mirror, I feel great!

But wait. It's hard not to look in the mirror. There's one in each bathroom, a big sliding door one in the computer room, one in the TV room, and one in the entryway. Hey, there's no mirror in the kitchen.

The adage goes: “You are as old as you feel.” Without mirrors: 47; with mirrors: 69. That means that I've “younged” (the opposite of “aged”) 22 years by not seeing my wrinkles, age spots and white hair.

Wait a minute — couldn't I just dye my hair, and use foundation to “blend out” my wrinkles and age spots?

Wait a minute — you mean that's what a lot of people do?

So why am I not doing it?

I think I know the answer. If I did all that and THEN looked into those mirrors, I would realize that what I am seeing is a “farce,” and a “fake.”

How would I know that? Because I will have remembered how I looked in the mirror, and the two images would not “jibe.”

So, here's an answer: blur up the mirrors. Just rub some gel or something gooey on them. Not too much. You'll still need to see those protruding ear hairs. But, just enough so as to give a slightly amorphous portrayal of the face.

Good. Now we've solved that problem.

And that's enough for one day – I'm getting tired.
