Home OP-ED Age Is a Moving Target for Protecting Children

Age Is a Moving Target for Protecting Children


How Can You Justify?

Since anyone can enlist in the military at age 17 (with the signature of at least one parent), we have the ludicrous anomaly of young men and women old enough to fight and even die for their country, but unable to legally engage in sex in a large number of our states including liberal (?) California. Kinsey also insisted that childhood ends at age 8 and adolescence begins at age 9. Even the Jewish tradition of the bar and bat mitzvah sets 13 as the rite of passage from childhood to mature manhood and womanhood. Since the ostensible purpose of every age of consent law is the protection of children, the bottom line of all these statutes is that the legal definition of a child is not so easy to ascertain as our legislators would have us believe.

Mr. Akerley of Culver City describes himself as “an informal kind of dude.”