Home OP-ED Abrams Returns to Run for the School Board

Abrams Returns to Run for the School Board


[Editor’s Note: The newest candidate for the School Board election in November filed this third-person story to declare his intentions.]

It’s official:

“Most Feared Truth Teller” candidate Gary Abrams (A- is for ABRAMS), (“Volunteer of the Year”), is “RUNNING” (this time) for Culver City School Board.


Mr. Abrams was blacklisted in most Culver City local newspapers except thefrontpageonline.com


Considered a longshot in the last election two years ago, mainly due to what some considered his unorthodox style, “TRUTH,” plain and simple.

Mr. Abrams has been featured many times (lost count, he says) in thefrontpageonline.com

Even the irascible writer and sometime nemesis George Laase is a fan.

Mr. Abrams says he decided to run mainly because it will provide a forum to share with citizens how dysfunctional Culver City politics operates. Mainly controlled by two families, not quite on level of Mafia. Maybe Jr. “Mob.” The “MACHINES” is a term coined by Mr. “Z.”

Mr. Abrams says he wants to see how fast the “politicians” can scramble once the light is turned on. (Hint: Do not put your money on the cockroaches.)

Mr. Abrams plans to dissect candidates and remaining Board members (says he doesn’t believe in kicking a person already down and on way out). Action speaks louder than words.

Mr. Abrams calls it the “LIE DETECTOR.” See how your favorite “Liar” stacks up.



Mr. Abrams compares what he considers Machine “CLONED” candidates and their supporters.

Mr. Abrams’ idea (original Stewart (Stew) Bubar) to rein in out of control costs of all elections. Got $20,000. Can buy a seat on C.C.U.S.D. School Board.

Fifty thousand gets you in where the big bucks are PILLAGED, City Counci, dba the Redevelopment Agency. $ a million here couple $$million there.

Is COURAGE a foreign word in Culver City?

Mr. Abrams wonders whatever became of the award-winning “Anti-Bullying” Task Force.

Will Parcel Tax Oversight suffer same fate?

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com