Home OP-ED A Weeklong Fundraiser for Culver City Parks

A Weeklong Fundraiser for Culver City Parks


I am the very green Fundraising Chair of the Culver City Great Parks Assn., and we are holding a fundraiser at Kay ‘n Dave’s this coming week.

From Sunday through Thursday at Kay ‘n Dave’s Cantina, 9341 Culver Blvd., we hope the community will come out and support the Culver City Great Parks Assn.

When you are enjoying the food and drinks, if you mention CCGP, 20 percent of your bill will be donated towards CCGP’s ongoing mission to improve the beauty and function of Culver City's parks.

With community involvement, from design, to budget, to completion, it is our belief that we will enhance our parks in a way that the residents of Culver City expect: In harmony with the neighborhoods that the parks serve.

It is our intention to better the environment of the parks, beginning with public interest and input, without straining the city budget. While we will not refuse financial assistance from the city, it is our goal to fund each project through federal and state grants, public and private donations, and organized fundraisers. Some of our future projects may include replacing the boardwalk at the park off of Jefferson and installing a grass area at the Culver City Plunge.

Ms. King may be contacted at Kathleak2@yahoo.com