Home OP-ED A Warning to the Council for Tonight

A Warning to the Council for Tonight


Tonight at 7 in Council Chambers, the City Council will address the CALPERS Additional Service Credit for Culver City for Miscellaneous Employees.

City Council, do not fall for this trap.

On its face, this appears as if it only will affect two positions in the city, and that it will only cost the city $11,523 per year for the next 20 years — or however long these two employees live.

I may be mistaken.

But in the past when a city amended its CALPERS contract for one bargaining group, it had to offer it to all city employees. With all of the necessary cuts that have to be made in the city management groups, think about what that is going to cost per year for the next 20-plus years.

The last note is the city will experience a one-time cost when the affected employees “cash out,” a casino term for taking your winnings and leaving town. For most management personnel in the city, there is a $100,000-plus payout when they leave. This leave-bonus-payout system costs the city millions of dollars each year. And it is pillaged by city employees each year.

Most recently, this occurred at the management level with the knowledge of the City Manager, City Attorney, Personnel Director and department heads.

Management personnel can make an extra $20,000 to $30,000 per year by not taking any time off work.

That means no sick time, no vacations, no extra days off.

If You Are Lucky

For police and fire management, it means no holidays with your families, unless they fall on your day off.

I am sure some citizens of Culver City have called the city and been told the person they want to speak with is off.

How do they get paid for not being at work?

They just don’t put in the paperwork, and no one will ever know.

Or should I say no one will check because a lot of people know?

How about this? CALPERS offers a program that allows the employee to buy back those years at no cost to the city, and it does not cost the city anything.

The employee can use the money from his or her generous city-provided leave bonus program, IRA, or city-supplemented deferred compensation money.

Mr. Smith may be contacted at scsinternationalinvestigations.com