Home OP-ED A Very Jealous Man

A Very Jealous Man


The National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People — how is that for turning a spiffy phrase? — has been irrelevant to our society since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. emerged in the South more than 50 years ago and said, let’s get serious about advancing equal rights.

If somebody called ambitious Benny Jealous a colored man, he would be upset. But picky, picky.

The NAACP is as modern and necessary as horse-drawn carriages in East Culver City.

A couple years ago, Mr. Jealous begged and promised the oldtimers of the NAACP that if they would entrust the useless office of the presidency to him, he would throw rhetorical bombs and make the media attend to him.

He Qualifies

Mr. Jealous has a big mouth and a roving imagination, which qualify him for knighthood as a liberal — but the NAACP remains as powerless as the ice wagons that served a purpose a hundred years ago, but none today.

The lights are out, the audience has gone home, and the recalcitrant Mr. Jealous still is standing in the middle of the stage, prattling in the manner that liberals traditionally do.

Like many peace-craving activists, Mr. Jealous preaches with one hand and launches goofy-statement bombs with the other.

Aside from the wandering lunatic Julie Bond — who also became irrelevant decades ago, but keeps hoping that an occasional outrageous statement will catch media fire — Mr. Jealous has made not only ignorant but perilously inflammatory statements at the sad-sack NAACP convention in town this week.

If only Benny the Exaggerator utilized a sniff of imagination. But he keeps reaching into the same garbage can and pulling out the same stinky old lies.

He has found that his fellow liberal screamers have derived valuable mileage from this lie:

“Our voting rights are under attack because we had a great breakthrough, the election of a black president. It was followed by a great blacklash.”

And that is: According to this rarely reliable source, 30 states now require voters to present approved photo identification at the polls.

Agent 99, Where Are You?

Yes, my friends, after a century of liberal fraud in elections, smart governments (an oxymoron) are cracking down and asking voters to prove their identity. (How do you think Jack Kennedy became President in 1960?)

Mr. Jealous claims this law is prejudicial against poor people, minorities, old people and young people — the suspects always have the same names. Advantage: millionaires and billionaires.

I guess these misfits for whom Mr. Jealous professes to weep don’t travel and scrupulously avoid situations requiring proof of identity. They could solve that problem by landing a job, but I digress.

Finally, Mr. Jealous reverted to another old nugget that has paid off in the recent past for liberals, a Confederate flag in a Southern capital.

For his daily reading, I was thinking Mr. Jealous probably monitors South Carolina and Georgia newspapers from the early 1900s to learn the latest news.

In another of his convention rants, he blew this gem into the ears of his listeners:

“One of the most perplexing examples of the contradictions of this moment in history is that Nikki Haley, South Carolina's first governor of color, continues to fly the Confederate flag in front of her state’s capitol.”

Benny must have fallen asleep in the same history class that Swish (Where Am I?) Obama glided through.

Gentlemen, there was a Civil War 160 years ago. One side flew a Confederate flag.

I know it is boring, but it is history. Therefore, it is legitimate.

It is fine to dispute an issue, Mr. Jealous, but aren’t you embarrassed to flaunt your ignorance?