Home OP-ED A Town Hall for Grocers Next Week

A Town Hall for Grocers Next Week


[img]2564|right|George Runner||no_popup[/img]Dateline Sacramento – Board of Equalization member George Runner will host a telephone Town Hall for California’s grocers next Wednesday at 10 a.m. The free event, co-hosted by the California Grocers Assn., will provide information on tax issues specific to the grocery and convenience store industry.
“Being successful in California’s highly competitive grocery industry is a clear challenge,” said Mr. Runner. “Part of that challenge is dealing with taxes.

 “My goal is to help grocers and convenience store owners understand California’s complicated tax laws. As their elected taxpayer advocate, I want to hear their concerns, and I will answer their questions.”
Those wishing to participate may register at
www.boe.ca.gov/townhall or by calling 916.324.4970.
Persons who pre-register will receive a telephone call at the start of the event, inviting them to connect to the Town Hall.
The Town Hall will address topics important to the grocery industry, including taxable and nontaxable sales, pharmacy and drug store sales, inventory and record-keeping.
Further information on these and other relevant tax issues is available at
Elected in November 2010, Mr. Runner represents more than nine million Californians as a member of the state Board of Equalization. He may be contacted at