Home OP-ED A Time for Bullying

A Time for Bullying


Re “It Can Get So Barren and Lonesome at the Top

Legendary Bully School Board member Attorney Steve Gourley publicly calls Teachers Union President David Mielke a “LIAR” at successive Board meetings.

Board President Scott Zeidman and all other members look on with “nary” a peep, while distressed union president pleads for relief to no avail.


The award-winning Anti-Bullying task force is on a roll.

Nominated for “MISSING in Action Award” by Mr. George Laase. Mr. Ari Noonan to second. If needed for a third, can we count on the President of Teachers Union?

Certainly no mention of award-winning “Anti-Bullying” in Mr. Zeidman’s latest news promo featuring Mr. George Laase.


Ph.D Superintendent moves on. The Zeidman Board promotes her temporary replacement. (They know who the “boss” is.) Superintendent (popular, homegrown) semi-retired teacher (40-plus years in district). $20,000-plus (in FEES) squandered by District for bogus Superintendent search. Attorneys Gourley and Zeidman claim saving District attorneys’ “FEES”

Almost to the year another Ph. D high school Principal leaves for friendlier pastures. Two Ph. Ds down, one to go.

Board approving $$$$$$$$$$$$millions in consulting and attorney FEES dba purchase “orders, annual contracts or retainers.”

Board spends $30,000 attorney FEES to interpret Board of Education’s invoice for outstanding bill for approximately $200,000. Board settles for $29,000 but not before attorney Gourley recommends another $2,000 tip in attorney’s FEES to send a message to Board of Education just because.

Prof. Patricia Siever persuaded attorney Zeidman against it with attorney Kathy Paspalis and Karlo Silbiger concurring.

Private eye citizen calculates hidden 6.32 percent consultant FEES for $420,000 expenditure. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-9579/TransparencyWhatTransparency

Culver City politics controlled by $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ City Council/ School Board doesn’t matter any more. Where does all that cash come from?

Last election you campaigned exclusively in thefrontpageonline.com

Not much choice. Thought I was being blacklisted (no pun intended). Much later found out you had to pay to play. (Looked at winning candidates’ financial disclosures. Found some interesting stuff to share with you, too. D.A.’s office).


It is so amazing how we can come with an idea and think it is so novel. Back in my stroll for Board, I came up with the almost exact same concept that someone thought of 6 years earlier. My youngest son’s best friend’s mom emailed me the original (see below).

Revised edition.

Elections in Culver City have gotten out of control. We need to bring them back down to earth.

Nancy Goldberg’s campaign pegged $20,000 as their fundraising goal in the three months leading up to Election Day.

In the last School Board election two years ago, winning contenders approached that figure — Karlo Silbiger topping $19,000,Prof. Patricia Siever, $13,000.


Saw lawn signs and fancy brochures proliferate though city. Is this really what we want in Culver City elections?

Have pledged, and challenged, fellow candidates to do the same, plant no signs, raise and spend less than $1,000, and spend time in neighborhoods talking to people about our “used to be so wonderful district.”

Except for endorsements that come from some of the forums, seeking no individual endorsements or contributions.

Only real endorsements are votes received on Nov. 8. Original article Nov. 4, 2003 election Stewart M. Stew Bubar http://tinyurl.com/yzeoo43


Lots of fingerpointing to go around — LYING LIARS Pants on Fire — The Day Culver City Politician Told the “TRUTH.”

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com