Home OP-ED A Sheriff Who Drove His Mouth into a Left-Wing Ditch

A Sheriff Who Drove His Mouth into a Left-Wing Ditch


You can always tell when Democrats have been whacked across the nose with a baseball bat by voters who are mad at them for taking our country too far left with their socialist policies.

Their angry boys in the media, shrill-spoken even in good times, escalate their vulgar, haphazard arguments so high that even God must be holding both hands over his ears.

Last Saturday afternoon, the boys at The New York Times and at the Los Angeles Titanic became so excited by their sudden rush of fantastically good luck that, en masse, they almost rolled up their sleeves, yanked down their green eyeshades and boarded a dusty old Trailways pointed toward Las Vegas.

In the midst of the Gabby tragedy, a jacklegged, straw-chewing, snaggle-toothed Mayberry-sounding sheriff from Tucson, strongly resembling Walter Brennan’s long-lost dufus kid brother, shows up on the screens of these disbelieving journalists.

“Fellas, we got us a genuine new hero,” Sticky Nicky (Baccardi) Riccardi of the Titanic bellowed to colleagues across the room.

Looking as if he had borrowed his grandfather’s discounted dentures lost in the cow barn the week before, the well-named Sheriff Clarence (Big Mouth) Dupnik, 74 years old, limped in front of hungry television cameras.

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If reporters in New York and Los Angeles were astonished at the putative twist of the wheel of fortune in their favor — a hayseed to club right-wingers with — Sheriff Clarence was even more shocked by fate’s smooch on his partially shaved cheeks.

Except for two free daily bottles of hooch, ain’t nothing Sheriff Clarence prizes more in life than standing before a gullible reporter who faithfully is recording his words and his words and his words and his words.

What the boys back in Los Angeles and New York didn’t realize on Saturday afternoon was that this hardline left-wing lawman has such an ugly reputation for verbal diarrhea that deputies press a finger into his belly button and Sheriff Clarence, on cue, starts jabbering, like a kewpie doll.

For the last three days, The New York Times has lauded Sheriff Clarence for his shrewd (left-wing) political wisdom for repeatedly branding Arizona as “the capital of the anger, the hatred and the bigotry that goes on in this country.

This morning, Baccardi Riccardi of the Titanic wrote such a glowing piece about Sheriff Clarence — comparing him wildly favorably to conservatives’ favorite Arizona sheriff, Joe Arpaio.

Baccardi Riccardi’s latest I Hate the Right story was so excessively gilt-edged that you could have substituted “Mom” for Sheriff Clarence and emailed it to her for Mother’s Day.

Before Baccardi Riccardi feels too self-satisfied, he should digest a more honest perspective of the newest liberal saint in Arizona Heaven: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/sheriff-dupnik-blamed-mentally-ill-and-i

Seems he specializes in contradictions. Are you surprised?