Home OP-ED A Poll That Smells Phony and Funny

A Poll That Smells Phony and Funny


At last night’s School Board meeting, I  was sitting amongst The Other Camp, the crowd that pivots toward Sacramento, espies the crusty figure of Bluster Brown, bows low and calls out in stentorian tones, “Oh, Hosanna.”

When he wasn’t flashing Meg Whitman dirty names last autumn, Ho, as we like to refer to Gov. Bald Retread, was telling the gullible Democrat audiences:  “Gimme all the tax increases I want and, baby, we will party as if it is 1922 in Beirut.”

Or 1944 in Munich.

The school community believes Bald as if he possessed paternal integrity. They think he will save the schools.

The labor unions and their two-fisted friends have warned Bluster that if he fails to pay them back for their support, he could wind up the way fight managers at the old Olympic Auditorium used to leave this world.

Bald was so shaken he almost grew his hair back. 

How Many Votes Do You Need, Want?

And the illegals who voted for Bald last September, October and November, December — enough already —  said “Sure, boss,” when the worn out Retread promised to slip as many dollars as they ever will need into their wallets and institutions.

“Just gimme new taxes, baby,” Gov. Retread says to the Man Above when he sinks to his knees each night before toddling into beddy-bye.

Naturally, He Messed up

Since bad guys always slip up, Bald made the predictable gaffe.

“Lawdy, Lawdy,” he said to the crowds of sea gullibles who followed him around last campaign, as they opened wide and swallowed whole. “Just gimme new vehicle, sales and income taxes, my children, and you never will have another need that the state cannot fulfill. I will not raise taxes unilaterally. I will not use the legislature to validate new taxes. No, sirree. I am a man of the people.  I will ask you first if you will help me raise taxes so we can balance the budget and put a pot in every chicken.”

“Yowza, yowza, we do believe, and we will do what you say,” cried out the sea gullibles.

Not being the sharpest person in an empty room, Bluster Brown overlooked the detail that he needed two Republican votes in the Assembly and two Republican votes in the Senate — hewing to the configuration of his heavily publicized campaign promise — before he could  go to the people and tell them  he needed to jack up taxes in three channels.

Gov. Retread has offended too many people over the years he has lived sweetly off government to be able to walk into  a room of Republicans, act fresh-faced, and convince them to join his ill-conceived campaign to confiscate three layers of new taxes.

The governor has 96 percent of the state’s sycophantic media in his greasy palm, and they will play whatever tune he desires.

Which brings us to last Sunday when the fairly dishonest Los Angeles Titanic tried to give Bald a mountain-sized boost toward new taxes.

The left-wing boys produced a smile-inducing poll that was headlined:

“Voters want tax plan to go on the  ballot.”

And you thought left-wingers lacked a sense of humor.

According to this Alice in Very Fairyland “poll,” 60 percent of Gov. Retread’s bedazzled peasants — that’s you and me — favor a referendum on jumping taxes.

I believe, I believe, Mr. Tooth Fairy.

In a country where almost half of tax-eligible residents do not pay income  taxes, 60 percent of Californians say, “Raise me, baby, raise my taxes so I can  feel more patriotic.”


If you doubt the Titanic “poll,” you must believe Planned Abortionhood is only going to advise girls to give birth — starting in a future century; that National Public Radio is fair and balanced and that Boob Obama is engaged and competent.

Please, Mr. Governor. Please let me pay more, much more in taxes. You deserve my money. I don’t.