Home OP-ED A New Spin on Passover

A New Spin on Passover


[Editor’s Note: Nachum Shifren is the Republican candidate in a three-way runoff on Tuesday, May 19, for the state Senate seat vacated by Mark Ridley-Thomas’s election to the County Board of Supervisors.”]

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the final night of Passover, which concludes tomorrow at sunset.

Now that the pinch you're feeling, that gut-wrenching “I've-been-suckerpunched” sensation that you have with the out-of-control spenders in Sacramento, is basically a reenactment of the suffering of our forefathers through Pharaoh and the Egyptians over 2000 years ago.

Yes, that's right.

Here's a Bible story they won't tell you:

Pharaoh needed to subjugate the Hebrews, enslave them, and keep them in bondage, since he was afraid that they might one day become an ally with his enemies.

But, how to accomplish this with a free people initially?

A look at the word “Pesach” (pay-sock), which means Passover in Hebrew, gives us a clue. “Pe,” meaning mouth; “sach,” meaning talk.

It was simply a matter of “speaking” with the Hebrews, a daily, unending list of “honey-do’s” (go get this, do that, could you please help me with this), being nickel-and-dimed with one limitation of freedom after another. Until ultimately, they were used to being completely subservient and incapable of controlling their own lives.

Does this sound familiar?

Days of Yonder — for Me

We are besieged by a government of “for the government, of the government, and by the government.”

Here's a funny story you may like:

I was once upon a time, several soul transmigrations ago, a Sierra Club member.

I quit when they finally wigged out, looking for the last thing they could shackle the taxpayer with “No Smoking at the Beach.

I figured, if you can't smoke a cigar at the beach, then what's a good American to do? So it is in the new bondage of our times.

The Democrats are not content to destroy California's business climate, its educational system and our criminal justice system.

No, they want us to be in complete servitude, where the brunt of their taxes and misspending is felt at every turn.

After we become numb to their taxes and ever-increasing fiscal burdens being foisted on us, then they can mold us into socialist robots, without any feeling whatsoever for freedom of the individual and the entrepreneurial spirit.

This is being accomplished as these words are being written in our schools on a daily basis.

“Multiculturalism” will be the nail in the coffin of any affinity for patriotism and exclusivity among our youth.

When the government tells them to jump, they'll simply ask, “How high?”

My candidacy is, essentially, about how we can remain free as Californians.

What we can do to insure that our youth will be free-thinking, altruistic and secure in their neighborhoods.

Last week at the First Seder, when we began celebrating Passover, the holiday of freedom, across this great country, we should have amended the traditional Four Questions asked by each first- born boy.

• How do you think we can reverse the rout of businesses from our state, attract new businesses, and protect the small businesses?

• How do you think we can stop the cultural takeover of our state, the transformation of California to Atzlan?

• How can we stop the virtual army of gang- bangers (many of whom are illegal aliens) from destroying our communities?

• How can we reverse the “incarceration industry,” where more is being spent on inmates than for our young people in need of a top-rate education?

I am turning to you, clear-thinking Californians, to pause and realize that we are a crossroads. Your vote on May 19 will decide which direction our once great state will turn. I need your vote and support. Blessings to you and yours.

Rabbi Shifren’s website is www.RabbiForSenate.com