Home OP-ED A New Granddaughter

A New Granddaughter


She is beautiful.  She is one week old.  She is my second grandchild.

My wife and I, my in-laws, my sisters, and my mother visited the baby.

We witnessed the natural outpouring of love, caring, amazement. 

But one very special thing is not often mentioned when bringing a new life into the world.  Ben Shapiro spoke about it on a talk radio show this morning: Making the World Safe for Our Grandchildren.

Look what is happening in the world. Increasing terrorism, killing and just plain disregard for other members of the human race. 

What can we do?

Given,that there are people who value death more than life (aka terrorists), it is up to us life-lovers to do something.  Perhaps we can somehow rattle the brains of those death-lovers and get them to visualize their grandchildren in 20 or 30  years.  One idea for potential brain rattling is to start a campaign showing photos of the children of potential and/or actual terrorists.  The photos could be paired with projections of those children some years from now.  A caption could read,

“If only he/she had a chance to grow up, and live out his/her life to the full.”

Okay, I grant you that the above proposal likely will not work.  What else can we do?

It might help if there were a Presidential commission devoted to ideas sent in by our fellow Americans on ways to make a safer world for our offspring.
That commission might come up with a workable solution to the problem.

It certainly is worth a try.

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertebsen@hotmail.com