Home OP-ED A Most Odious Lie About Israel

A Most Odious Lie About Israel


This morning’s lead editorial in the Los Angeles Titanic, “Settlement fatigue. Four decades is enough. If Israel wants peace, it must stop building in the occupied territories,” could have been written by a piece-loving Arab terrorist while standing on a street corner in downtown Gaza City, openly refining the rocket he wanted to launch into Israel a few minutes later.

Imagine inviting the Ku Klux Klan to the next NAACP meeting. That is what a typical Titanic editorial has looked like, for all I know, since its founding in May 1948.

The Chandler family loved Jews the way David Duke embraced the black community and invited some of his closest black friends to his next flag burning. It was BYOS night, Bring Your Own Sheet.

When it comes to mollifying Arab terrorists, Titanic readers long ago were trained to believe that the only obligations are on the shoulders of the horrid Jews.

The only Arab obligation is to crouch behind an innocent child and peek out smilingly at their next Jewish targets. They have absolutely no other responsibilities.

But when Israelis want to build, the boys down at the Titanic jump off their bar stools and dash back to their computers to rage against it, truth be darned.

The Titanic is mad because Israel is planning to build new homes for Jews in Jewish neighborhoods of East Jerusalem. The boys at the Titanic, like genuine Jew-haters, would love for all Israeli Jews to go to sleep tonight and die so that Palestinian terrorists can march over the border in the morning and take over the whole country, which is what they want — only the Titanic cannot bring itself to publicly acknowledge the truth. Proportion, truth and accuracy are in short supply most mornings in the op-ed section, especially when the boys sit down to write about how shabbily the dirty Jews of Israel treat the angelic terrorists from Gaza and the West Bank.

Not to mention that “settlements” and “settlers” are deliberate pejoratives intended to anger Jews and mollify the unmollifiable Arabs.

It is amazing how many lies and distortions can be packed into a single tidy editorial. The Titanic insists on resurrecting the easily provable Arab lie about “traditionally Arab East Jerusalem.” It is not a distortion. It is a lie, which plunges all subsequent contentions into doubt.

The Titanic brags near the end of the editorial about a claim it has been making for 35 years: “This page continues to believe, as it did in 1975, that settlements are an obstacle to peace.”

The liars will only be happy if all Jews do not wake up in the morning.

But before I die, permit me to say the Titanic again misspelled “peace.” It should be “piece,” because the Arab terrorists want the whole piece of Israel.