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A Message From a Defender of Veterans on the Eve of America’s Birthday


Independent Presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin stands up for Veterans without the rhetoric and pandering of the other two guys who represent the old do-nothing parties, and here is what Mr. Baldwin had to say recently:

“I am eternally grateful to America’s Veterans who have sacrificed so much to protect our nation and to preserve our liberty and, as President, I will honor our nation’s commitment to them in every way.

“George Washington said:

“‘The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportionate to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country.’

“I deeply appreciate the contributions of our servicemen and Veterans to the preservation of American freedom. A Baldwin administration shall continue to recognize their contributions to the national welfare by providing equitable pay and benefits to our military personnel, and generous health, education and other benefits to Veterans.

“I will vigorously resist the attempt by any government agency to nullify or reduce earned benefits to Veterans and their survivors, including but not limited to, compensation, pensions, education, and health care.

“When our federal government can spend billions and even trillions of dollars for building and construction costs in Iraq but cannot maintain safe and sanitary Veterans’ hospitals, our military is abused and our veterans are dishonored.

A Matter of Dishonoring

“When our combat-wounded Veterans must wait weeks, months, sometime years, to receive the medical care they need, our military is abused and our Veterans are dishonored.

“When our Veterans have to labor harder to obtain the medical benefits that they were promised than they did the enemy they were sent to fight, our military is abused and our Veterans are dishonored.’

“To keep our forces in Iraq as an occupation force, year after year, maybe decade after decade, is an abuse of our military and dishonors our Veterans. To cancel their retirements; to demand our troops fight year after year, denying some of them the opportunity to even see their own children grow up; and to reduce the standards of recruits in order to accommodate criminals (even those charged with felonies), constitutes abuse of our military and dishonors our Veterans.

“To send our National Guard troops to protect the borders of Iraq, while leaving America’s borders wide open to potential terrorists and criminal elements, is an abuse of our military and dishonors our Veterans.

“To not provide adequate health care coverage to retired service members is an abuse of our military and dishonors our Veterans.

“To require disabled Vets to give up their military retirement pay in order to receive V.A. disability benefits is an abuse of our military and dishonors our Veterans.

Missing Troops

“To not have a concerted effort by our government to find and bring home America’s POWs and MIAs is an abuse of our military and dishonors our Veterans and their families.’

“We dishonor the sacrifices of all of those who have served in America’s military to keep our nation free when we ignore our borders, compromise our national sovereignty and disregard our Constitution. A Baldwin Administration will always honor and never forget the sacrifice and service of our nation’s Veterans and will honor every commitment that our nation has made to them.’

“I invite every Veteran in America to join with us in our campaign to protect our sovereignty, to preserve our freedoms and restore constitutional government.”

John Allen is general manager of the Veterans Today Network. The Veterans Today Network may be contacted at veteranstoday.com