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A Love Story You Are Going to Love


Dateline Dayton — This coming Tuesday will mark our 48th wedding anniversary.

Pauline and I met in high school and became high school sweethearts. She was from the other side of the tracks; railroad tracks separated North and South Piqua.

I lived in the North end and went to St. Mary Grade School. She lived in the South end and went to St. Boniface Grade School. Students from these two schools would then attend Piqua Catholic High School, on the grounds of St. Mary Church.

Pauline didn’t attend Piqua Catholic for her freshman year. She was attending the Precious Blood Convent, in Dayton, studying to become a Sister of the Precious Blood. After completing her first year, she determined the life of a nun wasn’t for her, and she returned home that summer.

That Girl!

Sometime that summer, I saw Pauline for the first time. My buddies and I were walking home from an event at Fountain Park. A group of girls was walking in front of us. Being a small town and Piqua Catholic being a small school, you knew everyone attending the school. But this girl I never had seen this girl before. I inquired as to who she was. She was Pauline, and she would be a sophomore this fall at PCH. I was going be a junior. To my recollection, that was the only time I saw this beautiful girl until school started.

After quite some time, I finally got up enough nerve to ask her for a date. The asking took place at a basketball game at Shawn Acres Children’s Home in Dayton. I believe the date was for a dance. After that first date, I’m not sure how long it was before we dated again. I do remember we went to see Gig-Gig at the movies in Dayton, on a Sunday afternoon, after a school event.

In my senior year I started dating Pauline on a regular basis. Our first kiss (I was very slow) occurred when I took her home after the homecoming dance that year. I remember the night vividly.

I gave her a small kiss on her lips. She kissed me back. Floating back to the car, I sat there for a few minutes, reminiscing about what had just taken place – I kissed her, she kissed me. I left, driving away singing (if you can call it that):

“I’ve often walked down this street before, but the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before.”

The Pace Quickens

After I graduated from high school, we went out often during that summer. I can’t remember exactly when I gave her my class ring. During her senior year, I was commuting to a business college in Dayton while still working at the shoe store. I was attending classes on a year-a-round basis, but we were able to spend a fair amount of time together.

After Pauline graduated from high school, that fall she started practical nurses training in Springfield. She usually came home on weekends, and most of the time I would take her back on Sunday evening. Saying goodbye each Sunday was difficult — and lengthy.

While attending college, I was able to land a job with an accounting firm in Dayton. Fortunately, I was also offered a full time position upon graduation, which I accepted immediately.

One fall night in 1961, while taking a ride, which took us through the cemetery, I asked Pauline if she would accept a ring from me for Christmas this year. She said NO (that could have been a smart decision). I was heartbroken. I doubt if I said much the rest of the way to her home.

The next time we were out, she asked me if she could change her mind to the question I asked. Neither of us was 21, and she knew it would be necessary for her parents to sign in order for her to get married. She was concerned about their reaction, especially since I was from the other side of the tracks. I hoped I had enough sense that night to ask her if she was sure she was making the right decision this time, but I probably just quickly answered yes.

I gave her the ring on Christmas Eve. We started planning a September wedding. The date was Sept. 1, 1962. Forty-eight years, five children and 10 grandchildren later we’re still together. It hasn’t always been easy, but she’s a great gal, and I love her very much.

Happy Anniversary, Pauline!

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net