Home OP-ED A Left-Wing Perspective of Sarah. Oh, Sure.

A Left-Wing Perspective of Sarah. Oh, Sure.


In left-wing Tim Rutten’s windy and snot-nosed “review” of Sarah Palin’s newest book in this morning’s Los Angeles Titanic, he finally had to take to his bed with the same virus that has knocked out every other liberal who has analyzed her:

No matter how high his smarmy-pile about Sarah grows, he, my golly, just cannot stop talking about her.

You betcha.

He may have set a record for a tome written by a non-terrorist:

Having presumably pondered each of the 276 pages of Ms. Palin’s “America by Heart, Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag,” Mr. Rutten failed to produce one compliment, or, more neutrally, a single non-insult.

Like a cauldron of overcooked soup dangling before the fireplace, he is drooling with hatred, a trait that he — wink-wink — decries this very morning in his regular Wednesday essay on the op-ed page. In perhaps his two thousandth screaming piece in defense of the gay lifestyle and attributes, he freely employs hate language against conservatives. As Ms. Palin points out, the left does not believe the right is merely wrong, but evil. Mr. Rutten enthusiastically concurs on the op-ed pages — that the right is descended from witches and wizards. But in his book review, he mocks Ms. Palin for pointing this out.

Duck. Here Comes the Truth.

As Mom used to say, “the truth hurts.”

Mr. Rutten is an obssessor, in the tradition of every known left-wing reviewer who has tackled Ms. Palin’s personality, beliefs or her labors.

Envy of one who is fabulously and mysteriously successful reposes at the vortex of Mr. Rutten’s criticism, which is far harsher than he ever has written about bin Laden or his ilk on the op-ed pages of the Titanic.

His review would have been significantly more redeemable if he had behaved as an adult and attempted to seriously assess the contents instead of hooking his thumbs into his ears, acting like a schoolboy and blowing spitballs at the pages.

Doesn’t he realize how offputting this would be to his readers on the right and left?

Mr. Rutten slimes Ms. Palin in every paragraph, a common feat for today’s lefties but, in more normal times, a trick of Olympian proportions.

In his unrelieved diatribe, he forgot to mention that Ms. Palin produce last year’s No. 1-selling non-fiction book.

I read to learn. If he had seriously undertaken an analysis of the phenomenon that is Sarah Palin instead of spitting on her, all of us might have profited.

Why do left commentators fail on radio and television? They are not deep people. Sarah Palin’s fascinating brain remains both unsolved and unanalyzed.