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A Hypnotherapist Leads – You Must Do the Work


A clinical hypnotherapist cannot cure anything. However, we can help a client heal himself. Each person would want to accept responsibility for his or her own self-improvement.

To them I say, “If you follow my suggestions quickly, without overthinking, you will accomplish your goals.”

To attain objectives, clients must be actively engaged in what is asked of them. Involvement is crucial. A Russian lady once told me she wanted to quit smoking. I have a great Quit Smoking program with an 80 percent of the time. (Hypnosis succeeds 70 percent of the time.) I gave the lady basics required to stop smoking.

“No, “ she said, stubbornly. “I no want to do this. You make me quit.

“I just sit here. You hypnotize me, and I stop smoking.” (She was smoking 50 cigarettes a day!)

We had three sessions. She did not follow any instruction. Ultimately, she was unsuccessful. 

Had she been a somnambulist, the outcome may have been a different. Somnambulists are deep level hypnotic subjects. They readily accept suggestions. Often they settle their issues within two sessions.

There Is a Distinction

Seeing a hypnotherapist is different from seeing a medical doctor. When you see an MD, you expect medication will be offered to resolve your ailment. Or possibly sophisticated testing.

Seeing a psychiatrist is different still. Usually they will talk about your problem and then offer a medication to either mask or treat your symptoms. Psychologists will talk with you until you find resolution. None of these is bad. All are all helpful, as is hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy resolves matters far more quickly than a psychiatrist or psychologist for one main reason. They will talk with you but only with you on a conscious level. Our behaviors are learned through our life and stored within our subconscious. The subconscious gives us what we want when we need it because we have taught it to give us certain responses to certain situations.

Hypnosis creates a pathway to the subconscious, which allows for changes within the subconscious that is so much more powerful than attempting to create change on the conscious level alone.

Never Wears Out This Way

Of the brainpower we have available to us, we only use five percent. Of that, 10 percent is our conscious mind, 90 our subconscious. From these figures you can see that talking with the subconscious is going to be more effective.

Hypnotherapists try to help a client to program his subconscious with how he wants to behave and react.  When this is followed, clients’ lives begin to change. Slowly at first. As they listen more to the new suggestions their subconscious is offering, they find that in a few weeks their behaviors began to conform to what they have been seeking.

An interesting example comes from a book called “Cyber Cybernetics.” Two basketball teams were asked to improve their three-point scoring. One team practiced 20 minutes a day on the court. The other team practiced 20 minutes a day but in hypnosis, visualizing three-point shots. When they went played, the team that had practiced daily on the court scored 21 percent of the time and the hypnotized team scored 23 percent of the time.

Recently I was out walking when I came across a young man shooting hoops alone in his front yard. He missed every single time. I told him if if he were to take a fraction of a second to visualize the shot, he would probably be more successful. He looked at me skeptically. He wanted to prove me wrong. He walked as far away from the basket as he could and took his shot. As he prepared, I reminded him to just take that second to visualize the ball going in the basket. He raised his arm and took a second and shot.

Straight in.

Remember, you are more powerful than you know. The power of hypnosis your subconscious and visualization is something to never be underestimated.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net