Home OP-ED A Holiday with Our Family – What Could Be Better?

A Holiday with Our Family – What Could Be Better?


Dateline Dayton – For Thanksgiving, our daughter and two of her children arrived from Michigan on Wednesday night. I started Thanksgiving Day with church while Pauline was at home peeling potatoes for our mid-day dinner. Due to scheduling conflicts, that time appeared to be the best option. We still didn’t have Bill, Julie and Madi because they had traveled to Cleveland to celebrate with Julie’s family.

Pauline, as usual, outdid herself with a great meal. Since most people were going to another dinner in the evening, Pauline served ham, a real hit. Everyone stayed until 4 o’clock.

Darlene’s son Ryan wanted to go to an electronics store to purchase a camera going on sale Thursday night. Since he was unsure of the directions, and being a relatively new driver, I volunteered to take him to the store. Ryan, along with Darlene and Emily were at the home of her husband Mike’s parents enjoying a turkey dinner.

A little before 8 o’clock, Ryan called and said he was ready because the sale started at 8. We arrived at the store a little after 8, and it wasn’t too bad. However, the camera had sold out. Since another major retailer had the same camera on sale, we drove to that store.

I could not believe the crowd there. This just reaffirmed why I have never attended a Black Friday Sale. They did have the camera and then it was on to the line to check out. I couldn’t believe the overloaded carts and the additional merchandise that was being pushed or pulled on the floor.

There is no doubt in my mind that this store did a million dollars in business Thursday evening and Friday. Could have been much more!

On Friday I worked, and afterward we went to my favorite chicken barbeque.

The next day, the five of us along with son Chris drove down to near Cincinnati for a visit to the Ikea store. Pauline and I are looking for shelving to place in the one bedroom of our condo. We believe we found something that will look good. As soon as we can get exact measurements, we will return and make the purchase.

After a stop to eat, it was on to Traders World for a flea market visit. From there it back to the house, and in the evening we went to Chris’s for supper. By the time we got home, I was tired.

Sunday morning after church, we celebrated our granddaughter’s 13th birthday at our house with a great breakfast, followed by cake and ice cream. Shortly after the festivities were over, it was time for Darlene and her two children to leave for their home in Michigan, 

Another typically busy week at the Hennessey household.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net