Home OP-ED A Debate Invitation for Tomorrow

A Debate Invitation for Tomorrow


This year is one of the most important elections in recent years.

I know they say every year.

But this conservative ideology is trying to take us backwards.


Some community rhetoric is trying to help them (quite frankly).

Join me and that attentive public known as the Urban Issues Breakfast Forum at our neighborhood bookstore, Eso Won Books, a community center for intellectual thought and progressive discourse, as we watch the Presidential Debate debate and provide community reaction and response.

Won't you join us?

Light refreshments will be served, starting at 5 o’clock. Come out and support our President.

Even if he's not your choice, come out and root for the alternative.

Defend your view as to why we should not give President Obama a second term.

Either way, anti-intellectualism cannot dictate this election. Join us at:

Eso Won Books,

4331 Degnan Blvd.,

Leimert Park Village.

Debate starts at 6 p.m.

Light Refreshments will be served, starting one hour before.

Post-debate discussion.

I can't think of a reason why we shouldn't support this President.

However, we must pay attention to the whole landscape.

Let's represent.

Hope to see you.

Thanks. Peace.

Dr. Samad, Managing Director/Host, of the Urban Issues Breakfast Forum, may be contacted at urbanissuesforum@aol.com