Home OP-ED A Christmas Message: Exhorting You to Think with Your Heart

A Christmas Message: Exhorting You to Think with Your Heart


­My Christmas message:


The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides and gravitation,

We shall harness the energies of love.

On that day, for the second time in the history of humankind,

We shall have discovered fire

–Teilhard de Chardin


A New Way of Being Alive

[img]255|left|||no_popup[/img] Through the prism of the Christmas story, whether it is Tolstoy’s, Dickens’ or the Gospels, our current crises give us gifts in disguise as they awaken us to re-examine how we live our lives. If we are willing to think outside the box, our challenges are great opportunities brilliantly disguised as seemingly unsolvable problems.

2009 Invites You to Think with Your Heart

Thinking from the heart is not about sentimentalism. Thinking with your heart calls for a whole-brained approach to life. It is the corrective to looking for love in places that lead to moral failure. Thinking with your heart is the only way to counteract inner emptiness longing for meaningful connections.

Become Whole Again

Healing the emptiness emanating from self-absorption, thinking with our heart makes us realize the inherent connection of all beings. The secret to lasting success and personal fulfillment is in living this noble truth expressed throughout time by every life-serving tradition. It is the Golden Rule exhorting us to treat every creature as we wish to be treated. It is Judaism’s truth that we are indeed our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers.

It is the message re­sounded each Christmas: that the word called
Love be enfleshed in our every thought, word and action, and
Our world will come alive in a new way.

Compassionate connections can only be made through a mindful heart. These connections transform humans into humane beings. The more you engage all in your life with an embodied mindful heart, the more you will thrive, feeling alive, happier, and in the flow of fulfillment.

When you reach out to all with a mindful heart,
You, too, will change both your own and this world’s course of history.

[img]254|left|||no_popup[/img] The gift from my heart to yours is that this holiday season finds you being in love,
giving the priceless gift of compassionate connection to all in your life.
To help extend this season of loving kindness throughout our lives,
I invite you to my home in January, as my guest, to learn more
about how to continually live in love with oneself
and all who cross the threshold of your life.

Dr. De Benedittis may be contacted at debenbedittis@sbcglobal.net