Home OP-ED $5.7 Million — School District’s Estimated Loss on LAUSD Permit Switch

$5.7 Million — School District’s Estimated Loss on LAUSD Permit Switch


Re “Zeidman Puts LAUSD Permit Policy Change into Context

I have just returned from the March Culver City Council PTA meeting where School District Supt. Dr. Myrna Cote handed out the following information regarding the Los Angeles Unified School District’s decision to limit student permits to transfer out of the district.

• We have 1467 LAUSD permit students.

• 332 will fall into “senior option” grades, 5th, 8th, 12th.

• That leaves us with 1136 students to focus on.  

• The fiscal effect will be a negative $5.7 million hit to our unrestricted General Fund.  

• There will also be a significant loss to Special Education and categorical funding.  

• The Office of Child Development will see a loss of approximately $150,000 in its before/after school care.  

Next step:

• An informational Parent Meeting will be held Wednesday afternoon, from 5 to 6:30, in the Robert Frost Auditorium – immediately preceding the sexting presentation.

• An informational letter will be mailed to affected families as soon as we can get it done, Friday or Monday.  

• There will be follow-up meetings for parents on Wednesday, April 7.  

• We plan to re-enroll our students on provisional basis. But they must be in the process of appealing a denial from LASUD to be considered.

• We are working with Santa Monica Malibu and Las Virgenes school districts as a consortium.

Ms. Wacker, a community/schools activist parent, may be contacted at jbwacker@verizon.net

Dr. Cote may be contacted at ccusd.org