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10 Tips for Saving Time and Money — and Having Fun Doing It


1. Search for X (almost anything) using Google Maps. Not only will you be able to see where X is located re your house's location, but you can also click on a link to get more information about X.

2. Search for pictures of X using Google Images (GI). Looking for an indoor wooden railing that you will like? You'll likely find a picture of that special railing on GI that you can print out and give to your handyman.

3. Take screen shots of X (almost anything that you can see on your computer), label them, print them, and put them into files. It sure beats printing out tons of information that you don't really need. To capture the screen with a Mac, all you do is press Shift-Command-4, and fit to the size you want.

4. Wash the floors while dancing on a clean, thick, slightly wet rag, which you can buy at some markets. Find some jazzy music on the radio. What a great way to exercise, cut a rug, and experience a spotless floor.

5. Use a timer with a loud ring to remind you when to check if X is ready, or to begin doing X, or to leave for the X, or to do anything you might ordinarily forget.

6. Use very strong and very soft Viva towels to wipe your nose, and to pick up spills. Can you use the same Kleenex for a few days?

7. Use empty Bolthouse Farms Carrot Juice bottles for carrying drinking water (or whatever) in your car — the bottoms fit neatly into your cup holders.

8. Use the side of a glue stick to neatly flatten the fold of those homemade cardstock or glossy paper greeting cards you print out.

9. Use a small plastic decorated doggie dish on your desk to hold your paper clips.

10. Go swimming in your dirty shorts in your chlorine — or better, your salt-water-generated chlorine — pool to have an extra pair of “bathing wear” and to get out the stains in the shorts at the same time.

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertebsen@hotmail.com