Home News Yes, There Are Homeless Children in Culver City

Yes, There Are Homeless Children in Culver City


Meghan Sahli-Wells
Meghan Sahli-Wells
Third in a series

Re “Meghan’s Plan for Keeping Students on Education Path”

The homeless population of Culver City is pocket-sized when compared with nearby communities.

If homeless children exist, hardly ever is one spotted on Culver City’s broad and visible streets.

But as Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells steps up President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper program, she and her circle are not merely going by casual observation.

“Our third goal is unique to Culver City, and that is to ensure that no child goes homeless,” the mayor said. “Even though it is not very visible, there is homelessness in Culver City.”

Ms. Sahli-Wells said Culver City’s approach differs from other communities that have taken the My Brother’s Keeper challenge.

“We want to ensure that np Culver City child is homeless,” she told the newspaper.

“Even though it is not very visible, there is homelessness in Culver City.

“We have been partnering with Upward Bound House and the School District to make sure we are tracking, finding families in need.

“We want to make sure the children have the services they need,” Ms. Sahli-Wells said.

“You can’t be successful, ready for school or graduate high school if you don’t come home to a home.”

(To be continued)