Home News Why You Should Not Call Weissman After 9 Tonight

Why You Should Not Call Weissman After 9 Tonight


[img]1305|right|Andy Weissman||no_popup[/img]Even though this is New Year’s Eve, resist the temptation to telephone Andy Weissman after 9 o’clock tonight.

For good reason, he may not answer.

Plans to be Finalized

At the latest check, the senior member of the City Council said his slate was blank for the wildest evening of the year.

“Doneil and I have not made any plans yet,” he said.

Will the Weissmans venture into the chilly outdoors?

“We might go to a movie,” he said.

To see what attraction?

“I have no idea. Whatever my wife decides would be good for us to see.

“In the last three days,” said Mr. Weissman, “we have seen ‘Into the Woods’ and…”

Did you like it?

“I fell asleep. At least I was told I fell asleep. I think that is accurate because I somehow missed the part where Cinderella got married.”

As for other opinions:

“I didn’t think the music was anything special.

“Then Monday night we saw ‘Wild,’ where Reese Witherspoon walks the California Trail from God-knows-where to Oregon. That was pretty good, even if it did not inspire me to go out hiking. Does make you wonder why anyone in his right mind would want to do that.”

Back to the Eve Vigil

The eve of New Year’s has dawned, and Mr. Weissman would be surprised “if I see the new year come in. We haven’t for the last couple of years.

“Usually, we celebrate New Year’s with New York,” said Mr. Weissman. “Not by being in New Year, but by watching the (television) feed from New York (at 9 o’clock).”

Since we live in interesting times, Mr. Weissman made a fascinating tech discovery on the morning news. “Someplace online, or maybe it was Netflix, you can get prepackaged three-minute countdown. This way you can have your kids think it is New Year’s at 6 o’clock at night.”