Home News Why the Minimum Wage Is an Excellent Plan

Why the Minimum Wage Is an Excellent Plan


Third in a series

Re “Rose Tells Why Culver City Doesn’t Need a Minimum Wage”

[img]1792|right|Jim Clarke||no_popup[/img]Minimum wage workers, if they exist in Culver City, probably would not spend their expanded income here, it is theorized,  because likely they do not live here.

City Councilman Jim Clarke was at Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti’s recent press conference when he declared his intention to increase the minimum hourly wage to $15.37 citywide.

But communally, who would benefit?

Mr. Clarke said that West Hollywood and Santa Monica city government officials were present. “I would assume the questions would be on their minds: Is the additional income going to be spent in our cities or do these people making minimum wage live somewhere else where they are going to spend it?”

Why, Mr. Clarke was asked, is lifting the minimum wage a good idea?

“It’s the old Henry Ford concept,” he said. “He paid his employees enough money so they could afford to buy a car.

“I believe that still applies. When you stop to consider that currently we are talking about a minimum wage that pays less than $20,000 a year. That is okay if you are a college kid.

“But more and more,” said Mr. Clarke, “we have adults who are working two minimum wage jobs to make a living.”

(To be continued)