Home News Whom Will James Endorse for May 21 – Greuel or Garcetti? Why?

Whom Will James Endorse for May 21 – Greuel or Garcetti? Why?


[img]1574|left|Mr. Kevin James||no_popup[/img]The dizzying shakeup of decision-makers since last Thursday at the top of the perceived shaky Wendy Greuel campaign has complicated an already muddy – but not unpleasant – task for Kevin James.

Whom should he back in the May 21 runoff?

This is not merely a courtesy gesture.

Presumably his endorsement packs the considerable heft of bringing along Republican/conservative/non-liberal voters who could be the difference in an anticipated narrow election.

And enhance his sphere of influence.

Since there is scant distinction in the finalists’ convictions, there is expected to be an equally slender margin at the polls.

Hours after Mr. James’s third-place finish three weeks ago tonight in the Los Angeles primary election for mayor, finalists Eric Garcetti and Ms. Greuel called to seek his endorsement. He has been on the receiving end of daily texts from both of them ever since.

His decision, speculated to be a month off, coyly is sewn just inside his vest, to which he is close.

His first meetings were for two hours with Mr. Garcetti and 90 minutes with Ms. Greuel, alone with the former while one other person was in the room with the City Controller.

With few clues, you can imagine the James side of the scene with both parties.

A latter-day lookalike for Huck Finn, eons smarter of course, an abbreviated hank of hair leaning over his forehead, an open-faced grin a fixture, Mr. James’s collegial physical approach should not be mistaken for softness.

An entertainment lawyer, his offices are in a Century City high-rise as he strides purposefully toward his 50th birthday and political blockbusters. He could pass for years younger.

“I was at a lunch today with a friend, and he was asking me about my life being different,” Mr. James was saying. “I said I have tried to make it as normal as it was before the election. Before the campaign, though, I didn’t spend so much time everyday talking to reporters.”

Even though he finished well back of runnerup Ms. Greuel but ahead of City Councilperson Jan Perry, Mr. James is at the nexus of one of the election season’s most intriguing questions.

Which way does he lean?

Flatly, he says he doesn’t know who he will back or when.

Ffity-six days out, he needs to make the call far enough in advance for his selection to be meaningful.

While he is balancing Mr. Garcetti’s and Ms. Greuel’s views against each other on one hand, on the other he must consider the risks to his own blossoming political career.

Meantime, he has had talks with KABC, KRLA and KFI about returning to radio on a regular basis – as he did for nine years earlier in this century.

(To be continued)