Home News West Hosts Program for Prospective Paralegals

West Hosts Program for Prospective Paralegals


Unlike some career schools, West Los Angeles College offers a fully accredited, ABA-approved Paralegal program at what West says is an affordable price.

On Saturday morning at 10, West will host a free one-hour paralegal information program in Building A9, near Admissions.

Classes are taught by current and former attorneys, judges and paralegals. Part-time and full-time evening options are available. A paralegal is employed or retained by a lawyer, law office, corporation, governmental agency or other entity and performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a lawyer is responsible.

Paralegals gather information and investigate facts, research laws relevant to a case, compile reports, prepare legal documents and more depending on the employer.

Nationally, salaries typically range from $30,000 to $63,000.

In Los Angeles, salaries tend toward the higher end of this range or above.

According to Careeroverview.com, job growth for paralegals is expected to continue be faster than average for other careers. “We hold these information sessions for prospective students so that they can learn more about our program and the career path,” explained Dr. Vanita Nicholas, director of West’s Paralegal Studies Program.

“It’s a no pressure environment. You don’t need to make any commitments. We don’t market to you for months afterwards. That’s what is nice about being in a community college setting.”

For campus map: www.WLAC.edu

For Saturday’s program: www.WLAC.edu/paralegal