Home News Weissman Was No. 1 By a Runaway in the Wallet, Too

Weissman Was No. 1 By a Runaway in the Wallet, Too


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Appropriately and unsurprisingly, new Mayor Andy Weissman, leading votegetter in the April 12 City Council election, compiled the largest war chest of contributions, according to semi-final filings.

In second place, not necessarily predictably, was former Councilman Scott Malsin, who remains on the sidelines, having finished fifth, well back of fourth-place Jim Clarke.

Mayor Weissman was ahead in all significant financial categories.

He amassed $54,419 in total contributions, far ahead of Mr. Malsin ($32, 673), Mehaul O’Leary ($31,036), Mr. Clarke ($22,157), Meghan Sahli-Wells ($20,878) and Stephen Murray ($3,650).

Non-monetary contributions played a lartge role in Mr. Weissman’s campaign, accounting for nearly half ($25,433) and a much slimmer role for the other five candidates.

At the end, Mr. Weissman retained his wide lead in cash on hand. As of one month ago today, March 24, he had nearly half of his contributions ($24,480), in front of Ms. Sahli-Wells ($9,280), Mr. Malsin ($7,491), Mr. O’Leary ($5,951), Mr. Clarke ($5,886) and Mr. Murray ($652).

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