Home News Two Days In the Life of Ronnie Jayne

Two Days In the Life of Ronnie Jayne


[Editor’s Note: Last Sunday and Monday were jumbo occasions for the exuberant entertainer and civic activist Ronnie Jayne. She starred in her one-woman show on Sunday afternoon at the Jazz Bakery and the next day was honored by Speaker of the Assembly Karen Bass (D-Culver City) as the 47th District’s Woman of the Year. Here is her account of those whirlwind hours.]


The lady of the day, in the middle, is flanked by her husband, Tom Camarella, and Speaker of the Assembly Karen Bass (D-Culver City).


The lady of the day is surrounded by Assembly stars. From left, Lori Saldana (D-San Diego), Chair of the Assembly Women’s Caucus, Speaker Karen Bass and Mike Villines (D-Fresno).

Sing to the melody of “W-o-m-a-n.”)

I can do a 4-mile walk, take a shower and go

Down to the Jazz Bakery and do my one-woman show

Get a few hours sleep, fly up north and appear

At the State Assembly, where I'm a Woman of the Year

'Cause I'm a Woman, W-O-M-A-N, I'll say it again….

It has been a wacky few days.

On Sunday, I performed my show, “No, I Want RED” at the Jazz Bakery.

The audience was terrific, and I had a blast!

I look forward to taking the show on tour — particularly to Boomer audiences and women of all ages! After the show we went out to dinner, took the table bread home (Inside joke for people who saw the show), and got ready for Monday's adventure.

So, Monday morning…

Up at 5 a.m. — I almost feel another song coming on — and out to LAX with my husband Tom, for our flight to Sacramento.

When we got to the Capitol, we met many of the other 79 women (one honoree from each Assembly district) who were chosen by their Assemblypersons as “Woman of the Year.”

So many impressive stories — women dedicating their lives to feeding the homeless, stopping gangs and violence, running foundations.

I've got to say, it made me wonder:

What the heck is this “chick singer” doing here?

I was very honored to be in their company, and chosen by Speaker Karen Bass.

Each honoree had her moment in the sun, stepping down the aisle of the Assembly aisle, accompanied by her Assemblyperson, having her biography read to all, getting a beautifully framed commendation, receiving the applause and being featured in a photo op.

Each of us had an opportunity to meet new U.S. Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis.

We went to lunch, had a reception with Lt. Gov. John Garamendi, did individual interviews with Comcast cable, and got a tour of the Capitol building.

By 4:30, we were off to the Sacramento airport, for our trip back home.

What an amazing experience!

Of course, when we got home, we had to take out the trash barrels for Tuesday's pick-up.

And so, life goes back to normal.

Ronnie Jayne may be contacted at www.RonnieJayne.com