Home News Thursday Is Double-Drill Day in Culver City

Thursday Is Double-Drill Day in Culver City


On Thursday at 10:20 a.m., the city of Culver City will join what is the world’s largest earthquake preparedness drill with official registration now topping eight million people.

In the County, a record 2.9 million are registered to participate in this year’s ShakeOut earthquake drill. Radio and television stations around the state will air a “Drop, Cover and Hold On” drill at the appointed hour of 10:2.

Statewide, schools, hospitals and first responder organizations are planning more elaborate preparedness drills. Individuals and families are urged to use this opportunity to create or review their plans.

In addition, Culver City is asking residents and the business community to participate in the city’s annual Community-Wide Drill later in the same day — at 7 p.m. on Thursday.

Officialks said participation is easy. At 7 o’clock, “Drop, Cover and Hold On.” Residents should activate their family disaster plans by ensuring that everyone is okay, then placing a large, easy-to-read “Okay” sign (delivered last week by Community Emergency Response Team volunteers) or a homemade sign in a window or area visible from the public right-of-way.

Members of the CERT team will canvass the city and count Okay signs before reporting back to the command center.

The drill is important to the Fire Dept. because it gives first responders an opportunity to practice their disaster drills and emergency operations.

Earthquakes strike at any time with no warning.

For residents, knowing how to protect themselves means being trained to immediately, instinctively ‘Drop, Cover and Hold On.’ It also means having enough food and water to last for at least three days when public services are disabled.

For information on the Great California ShakeOut, see www.ShakeOut.org or the city’s website. t www.culvercity.org/emergencyprep.

Ms. Parra, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for the Fire Dept., may be contacted at christine.parra@culvercity.org