Home News Thrilled Mielke Congratulates Students and Board for Silver Victory

Thrilled Mielke Congratulates Students and Board for Silver Victory


Re “School Board Bombshell: Sheila Silver Is Back on a 3 to 2 Vote

“What a great lesson for our students,” Teachers Union President David Mielke said this afternoon after learning that fired teacher Sheila Silver two hours earlier had won a swift reversal and is on deck to build on her eye-popping theatrical achievements next school year.

Like a lithe, mercurial animal, jubilation streaked across the surprised and relieved campus of Culver City High School this afternoon as word exploded that nearly everyone’s favorite drama teacher was, to coin a blocky term, unfired.

“Taking to the streets pays off,” Mr. Mielke told the newspaper in homage to the constant drumbeat of student and parent protests/demonstrations that almost became a fixture along Elenda Street.

A decades-long dedicated toiler for labor rights, Mr. Mielke niftily put a cherry atop the campus’s celebratory case:

“I need to get the students on a plane to Wisconsin,” he said, “so we can head off the union-busting governor out there.”

Telling Her Story

Hours earlier, at 10:30 this morning, a somber Ms. Silver and Mr. Mielke arrived at School District headquarters on Irving Place to keep a date with the School Board, meeting in Closed Session, so that the devastated teacher could tell her version of accounts for the first time.

Just as grim when they finished a half-hour later, neither gave a hint he or she realized that the School Board would pivot within the hour.

In an emotional drama top-heavy with dripping ironies, the same Board that voted 3 to 2 a fortnight ago to affirm Principal Pam Magee’s verdict switched this morning. They voted 3 to 2 to tentatively call back Ms. Silver for next year when she would have tenure and be more insulated.

“There are a couple of points to take away,” Mr. Mielke told the newspaper.

“First, I am pleased the School Board took this on and was willing to take a second look.

“Second, I think we need to sit down with management and take a second look at our evaluation system.

“Pam Magee and I have spoken informally about trying to expand the process, to include students and even parents. This way, the teacher and the School District will get an accurate sense of how a teacher is performing and where improvement is needed.”

Here is the 189-word message that Mr. Mielke sent to members of the Teachers Union:

“This morning I met with CCHS drama teacher, Sheila Silver, Patti Jaffe, Leslie Lockhart and the five members of the Board of Education.

“We had requested that meeting so that we could share our concerns about the evaluation process and the decision not to re-hire Sheila Silver.

“As you know, that decision prompted students to picket in front of CCHS — and angry parents met with CCHS principal Pam Magee.

“Leslie Lockhart just phoned me with the news that the Board voted to rescind the notice of non re-election, which in plain English means that they are rehiring Sheila and she'll be with us in the fall and for many years after that, we hope.

“This is a credit to our School Board that they listened to students; they listened to parents; they listened to the union; and they listened to Sheila.

“One of the things I'm taking away from this is another reminder about how flawed our evaluation system is. We need a system where teachers who are struggling can be identified and mentored, and where excellent teachers are not (almost) released.

Have a good weekend. dave

Mr. Mielke may be contacted at davidmielke@ccusd.org