Home News Ted Hayes Talks to GOP Tonight About Illegal Immigrant Law

Ted Hayes Talks to GOP Tonight About Illegal Immigrant Law


Arizona’s disputed new law targeting illegal immigrants will be the subject this evening at 7 when community activist/political candidate Ted Hayes addresses the Los Angeles Conservative Alliance meeting at Denny’s restaurant, 11750 Jefferson Blvd., Culver City.

Mr. Hayes, who first came to attention in the 1980s as an advocate for the downtown Los Angeles homeless, is himself nearly as controversial as the much bandied-about Arizona law.

Disgusted by the race-oriented objections to the law, Mr. Hayes will discuss his plans for at least diminishing the emotional race card as a weapon in the illegal immigration struggle.

Mr. Hayes said he is the first Black of national prominence to lead civil rights marches against illegal immigration.

Starting at the weekend, he will have a busy summer.

Saturday night:
Identifying himself as an American Black Patriot, he will speak his views at the Texas Tea Party’s “Stand With Arizona” rally in Phoenix.

One week later, on Saturday, June 5, in Phoenix, he will speak at an “Arizona Rising” rally.

Sixty days later, just one week after the Arizona law is scheduled to go into effect, Mr. Hayes will be featured at a “Civil Rights Showdown” on behalf of the new law.

“My colleagues and I will demonstrate that the struggle of illegal aliens is not the same as that of Black emancipated slaves,” Mr. Hayes said. “It is cruel, sacrilegious and indeed real racism against Blacks for caucasians/Hispanics/Latinos to attempt to steal our civil rights legacy from us.”