Home News Smoking Ban in Outdoor Dining Areas on Tonight’s Council Agenda

Smoking Ban in Outdoor Dining Areas on Tonight’s Council Agenda


The City Council’s relatively slow motion ending to a quiet summer season comes this evening at 7 in Council Chambers at City Hall when a smoking ban in outdoor dining areas is expected to be placed on a road to victory.

Although opponents testified in July that a formal ordinance was unnecessary because the incidence of smoking is nil at Culver City restaurants, the prospective law has been pushed forward.

Staffers have been working on a final formulation.

The prohibition is, perhaps, the only neon item on a soft agenda.

Councilman Andy Weissman yawned and wondered about the apparent urgency of a smoking ban.

“I don’t think the earth would stop turning if we did not have this ordinance,” he said.

“It would have been more significant if this had been done 25 years ago. Then we would have been on the cutting edge. By now, people have dramatically reduced their smoking in public.”

See culvercity.org/agendas