Home News Sebastian Looks for Gains in Boxer’s Last Two Years

Sebastian Looks for Gains in Boxer’s Last Two Years


[img]1987|right|Sebastian Ridley-Thomas||no_popup[/img]State Assemblymember Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D-Culver City/Crenshaw District) today praised retiring U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer for her three decades of political leadership in Washington as a member of the House of Representatives and Senate.

Ms. Boxer plans to retire in 2016.

“Sen. Boxer has left an indelible mark on many aspects of California life,” Mr. Ridley-Thomas said.

He cited “her advocacy for a clean environment and the responsible stewardship of our natural resources to her support for working families and their need for good paying jobs, affordable access to healthcare and quality education for their children.

“She made Washington, D.C. policymaking fit the real world needs and realities of California residents from the Bay Area to the South Bay,” said the Asseblyman.

“Sen. Boxer has long been a role model for women in politics, government and the private sector. She has been unwavering in her support for women’s reproductive rights and access to family planning services. She is a crusader for women’s rights, an aspect of her public life I’m confident will never change.

“She has been a groundbreaking and effective. Sen. Boxer is a public servant for the common good.”

Starting his second year in the Legislature, Mr. Ridley-Thomas said he look forward to “working closely with her over the next two years to improve education for our students, widen the path to college for high school graduates, encourage private sector development.

“Also, to boost our local and state economies to create new jobs and expand employment opportunities for our state’s residents. I am especially talking about veterans while continuing progress in healthcare access.”

Mr. MacFarlane may be contacted at fredmacfarlane@mac.com